for specialist settings

Welcome to adaptsoft


We help organisations bring together their business data into one, simple system; eliminating problems caused by working with multiple, uncoordinated paper forms, spreadsheets or outdated software.

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THE adaptsoft SOLUTION

a fully featured multi-purpose application

Adaptsoft's unique IRIS Adapt platform represents a quantum leap forward in business data management solutions; combining data collection, analysis, communication and data sharing in one unique agile and flexible application.

At Adaptsoft we can deliver a web application to capture exactly the business information you need - and deliver the in-depth analysis you need to go with it - without the massive price tag associated with bespoke products. Our IRIS Adapt-based solutions can grow and adapt according to the changing needs of your business; without the inconvenience and disruption of any major restructuring of the application.

Businesswoman working at laptop

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Benefit from our experience!

working with specialist  settings of all kinds; PRU, AP, SEND


IRIS Adapt offers an unparalleled range of customisable features


Our systems offer all the security features necessary for the safe processing of confidential  data - from encrypted connections to user access control and more ...

fully customisable

With some off-the-shelf solutions, customising simply means adding your own options to set menus. However, each Adaptsoft solution is customised to your business' specific requirements.

ALERTS & notifications

Our IRIS Adapt platform is not just a passive  database.  It has the ability to respond to a host of events and conditions on the system.

Workflow assistance

 As well as keeping users informed, the IRIS Adapt platform has a number of features designed to facilitate effective workflow, communication and collaboration.


 Our IRIS Adapt-based solutions can grow and adapt according to the changing needs of your business; without the inconvenience and disruption of any major restructuring of the application.

in-depth analysis

Built-in, easy-to-use  'point and click' analysis tools allow you to interrogate your data in depth; giving you the knowledge needed to move your business forward.


security features

In addition to having secure, encrypted internet connections IRIS Adapt also has a number of additional features to ensure that your data remains secure.

Secure user access
Access to the IRIS Adapt system is by individual username and password. 2 factor authentication can be included if required.

user access control
Unlimited and highly customised user access groups mean that each user will only see what they need to see. An essential feature for keeping sensitive information confidential.

fully journaled system
Every entry or edit is logged and date stamped, together with time and user ID. All previous versions of a record remain available. 


Fully customised setup

Almost every aspect of the IRIS Adapt system can be customised to your business' specific needs. From access control to notification messages, everything tailored to you.

Data capture forms
Whether it's a customer contacts form, enquiry form or anything else - every item is fully customised to your needs. We can take your existing paper form and use the same layout and language as the original.

permissions and access
Fine-grained permissions and access levels are fully customisable, allowing you to control access to the system to an unprecedented degree.

Print templates
All records are available as fully customised printable templates which can include your business logo, contact details etc.


alerts and notifications

The IRIS Adapt system has the ability to trigger alerts based on almost any event or condition on the system; whether that's the logging of a specific event, record update or a threshold count value.
alert triggers

Triggers can be set to almost any action or condition. Be alerted when specific events occur, such an order sheet being signed off.

'Other staff' alerts
IRIS Adapt can automatically notify all other staff involved when an account of the event is submitted.

customised messages
Email or SMS notification messages can be configured to contain as much or as little information about the event as required. 



Some of the features to help staff work more effectively:

live, in-form calculations

Anything from automatically calculating age based on DOB to calculating event duration based on start - finish times entered to calculating risk scores... and more.

Conditional formatting
Data capture form fields can be made mandatory, or not, depending upon selections made in other fields. Menu list can be modified or filtered according to pupil selected.

Summary reports
A summary of the day's events and entries can be emailed daily, weekly etc to business managers.



We provide users with everything from just a single-purpose records to a complete business information management system - and everything in-between!

Fully featured incident / accident logs
Capture and analyse key data - not just the usual location, time etc but also type of accident or incident, cause, action taken... and more.

specify your own suite of tools
What do you need, what do your staff need? We will work with you to create  solutions to the pain points you have in your business. From downloadable customer records, Accident reports to Risk Assessments... and more.

update your setup for free
Things don't stay the same forever. As your business needs change, as regulation and best working practice is amended - or even if you decide you have made the wrong choices when specifying your Adapt setup - your system can be updated, tweaked, expanded or revised on the fly at any time with no downtime and usually at no extra cost. 



IRIS Adapt comes with a unique feature; the ability to analyse in depth the information collected by your own custom system using two powerful tools; Tally - gives you statistics, percentages and charts. Trend - produces graphs showing trends and patterns over time.

single field analysis
Click a button to see a graph showing how that a key metric changes over a given time span. For example see the number of sales or new customers for the year to date.

Dual field analysis
Map any one KPI against another to see how they interact. Highlight high and low values with a traffic light feature. Table axes can be pivoted with one click. 
Data can be toggled between tabular format or bar charts.

contextual data
Another unique feature is the ability to pull in any contextual data linked via another data capture form. So sales data, for example, can be mapped against or filtered by any contextual data such as type of customer, location etc

who we help

IRIS Adapt is used in a range of different settings, from the specialist education sector to local authorities and private businesses and organisations large and small.  If you are struggling to run your business using spreadsheets or inappropriate software, contact us today



Ingenico (Northern Europe) provides the technology involved in secure electronic transactions. Its traditional business is based on the manufacture of point of sale payment terminals, but it also includes complete payment software and related services, also software for merchants.  Ingenico is part of Worldline, the largest European player in payment services and the fourth largest player worldwide. 

The Ingenico sales team use database software to manage the process of producing the technical specifications for each customers' product. They had a large amount of information residing in an outdated database system. As well as providing a new, interactive data management system, we were able to refactor and cleanse the existing data and import it successfully into the system Adapt-based system. Crucially, the Adapt system allows multiple users to collaborate simultaneously on a product specification record, something not possible with their previous system. The Adapt system also facilitates effective workflow by notifying members of the teams working on the product  spec as each stage is completed.

We have implemented a bespoke Alternative Provision Management system for all secondary schools across the LA. This includes a facility for schools to log their use of reduced timetable and alternative provision.  The system allows the LA access to live, detailed information on the use of each each intervention as well as detailed demographic information about the pupils concerned. The AP providers are able to enter details of their offer (type, cost, capacity etc) onto the system. Schools can browse details of all the AP offerings. Also included is a complete online Fair Access and Inclusion Panel referral system which will save huge amounts of time and wasted paper.

If you are an LA, please contact us for more details of this type of setup, which can easily be configured to monitor accidents or CP concerns and more.

Navigators is a dynamic and child-centred Alternative Education & Nurture Provision supporting children and young people across Greater Manchester.  We have created a full management information system (MIS) for them, based on our Adapt platform. Features include Attendance Register, weekly Timetable Planner, Student Daily Log, Safeguarding Concern Log, Accident and Injury Log, Risk Assessment Forms, Student and Staff Details Forms, Termly Reports amongst many others. The system is configured to automatically email referring schools with daily attendance reports as well as allowing referring schools direct access to their own student's daily logs. 

Please contact us for more details.

In addition to play therapy TPC Therapy offers a range of programs and services designed to not only support the children but also  the teachers, foster carers and professionals working with the children; upskilling them in trauma informed, therapeutic approaches. 

Adaptsoft provides TPC with a complete business management system with features ranging from client and therapist details to a whole range of forms and records to support the therapists in their daily work. These feature client notes, therapy session details and even self-scoring assessment questionnaires. The system allows business owner Shahana and her therapist manager to remotely monitor the activity of the therapists and progress of their clients.

Jobs4Teens (J4T) are a specialist recruitment agency which seeks to match teenagers seeking jobs with potential employers.  As a new startup, J4T was struggling to manage the flow of client data coming in via the website using a number of mismatched applications and spreadsheets. Working closely with J4T and using our Adapt platform API, we implemented a complete information management system that automatically inserted all incoming data from their website into an easily managed, searchable database. The system includes automated emails and integration with the online payment system, Stripe.

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0161 713 0402

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